People are often skeptical of doing their own free credit repair. In theory, it sounds great to fix bad credit for free. In practice, they fear that it takes special skills.
My $2.99 eBook on free credit repair is designed to debunk that myth. It takes only four simple steps to fix bad credit for free, and if you can read and write a letter, there's no need to pay anyone for credit repair.
Obviously, you need a computer internet connection to order your free annual credit reports. Once you get them, it's a matter of reading them and finding things to dispute. Then you write your letter, and you don't even have to do it from scratch. My eBook has as example, and you can find many others online. Mail the letters, wait for the results. and repeat the process once a year by reordering and checking your free annual credit reports every 12 months.
Really. That's all it takes to repair bad credit for free yourself.
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